Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gossip Goddess

OK more like Gossip Slut
I'm just a teen with some keen insight and a knack for evoking entertaining social interactions. I will write about them here so you can be as entertained as I. I also know the best gossip of my town and I'll expose it all here.

I'm pretty cool actually so I hangout with mostly older than me people. I'll usually meet these friends incidentally at the local coffee shop. We have a lot of fun hanging out there smoking cigarettes. Sometimes when they don't acknowledge me because they probably didn't see me walk up, I listen to their conversations so I can hear about all the cool things they do when I'm not around.

Random Gossip
Speaking of the coffee shop, there's a guy that hangs out a lot there and I think he's either drunk all the time or that's his face.

This guy who works there, Johnny, is a machine. His body is made out of steel. I'll call him the tin man. Wait, that's tin. He stole his own money once.
Oh he's in Electrobandit.

Emilio got a pretty new dish towel at work today. It's all white and looks like it was torn off an even bigger dish towel. He seems proud of it although I wouldn't know because I don't speak south american.

From being a big asshole in a small pond to being and even bigger asshole in an even bigger pond
Andrew seems to think he's funny for some stupid reason, coincidentally enough he makes people laugh. But now after some sort of ego bj he got in Cali he seems to think he's funny enough to start his own blog, 413some. He even makes up all the people on his page, taking pictures of girls at bars he doesn't even know, then posting them. Don't even think that shits legal. This is what he looks like and this is what his blog address looks like:

All talk and no 3some

So the kids here in the Berkshires make quite a clam of debauchery but I've yet to see anything other than a few parties where everybody has sex with each other-and then switches partners AND sometimes even sexes. They don't switch their own sex cuz no one can obviously, only their partner's. You know, like, homosexuality.
I'd like to see just ONE more example of this sexiness or I won't believe it. Until then I'll assume every one's lying to look cool in front of me.

There was this guy at this club in new york and he said he grew up in Cambridge and is now an MC. His parents wanted him to go to Harvard but he says all he wanted to do was spit. Now he does a bunch of ecstasy and mumbles loudly over whatever other rap song's playing at the time and you can only make out the last part of each sentence. But they do rhyme, usually. Sometimes he cheats (language can be hard) especially when he finds a good word. For example: "sdifhoiah aofih aoirhoaw awuo what" "setuhaeu aerhohy her twat" "wihoi eututtj uhh kick his twat". I think he was drunk or at least I hope he was. Otherwise kids, don't do so much ecstasy and probably a combination of a lot of meth/crack and rebellious self-inflicted ignorance. Don't be born stupid neither.

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