Monday, August 4, 2008

More LCS Drama

I just heard something that may shock you. Remember that guy whose always drunk? He's name is Jake. That's not the surprising part though. Everyone seems to think he's friends with "Tin Man" (Johnny) because they act all friendly like in front of others. BUT turns out Tin Man punched Jake (apparently he calls himself Jcraze or probably JKraze) in the face. THEN JKrazy hit Tin Man in the chest with a metal bat and hospitalized the kid. Guess he's not made of steel like I thought.
Oh and JKrze is banned from Rummpy's I think from starting a fight with the bartender or just for being too drunk or both.

Also, there's this guy that's always at the LCS, maybe in his early 50's and he has so many stories about going to festivals but I warn you if you want to strike up a convo with this intriguing fellow you might not want to lead on that you have a car because he is frequently "whooped" and will ask for a ride.

There also this guy Ernie and he's magic. You might want to stay on his good side, even though that seems to be the only side he has. He could probably pull some weird voodoo shit on your ass if you're not careful.


Anonymous said...

yo jake hit me in the arm not the chest get ur facts straight and what's your deal?

pj said...

hahahaha.... oh man... i knew you were talking about jake the first time you mentioned him. He's not drunk btw. He's HIGH

Tristram Shandy said...

You shouldn't be mucking about with these gents. They are all involved in gang activities.
what kind of activities, I don't know (perhaps yoga, dance, some other sort of calisthenics, perhaps anilingus) never the less we know not.
be wary.